Monday, August 20, 2007

My fun-filled weekend of HSM2

This weekend was the premiere of High School Musical 2. Taylor had a friend over for a viewing party. The girls went crazy when it started and the sang and danced thru the entire show. She then watched the movie and played the soundtrack over, and over, and over again the rest of the weekend. I am on an HSM2 overload!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

More fun with Photoshop

Here is another sampling of my projects. I am having soooo much fun!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

for everything there is a season...

I went to St. George this weekend for yet another single’s dance. I was reminded (as I am when I go to single’s activities) how much I like my life as it is now, and that being single isn’t so bad. As much as I would like to be married and have the life that I dream of, I have realized lately that this is my season to be a mom and I am lucky that I have the opportunity to spend time with Taylor as she is growing up, and to develop a strong relationship with her.

If I were married, I would have someone else to share my time with and I wouldn’t have the opportunities I have now to focus just on her. Of course there are days that I would gladly sell her on eBay...but for the most part she’s the greatest blessing in my life, and I thank my Heavenly Father for her every day.

When my season comes to be married, I hope that I can enjoy it as much as I enjoy being a mom. I know when I get married, there will be days that I will want to sell my husband on eBay, too. But there will also be days that I will be so glad to have someone to share life’s ups and down’s with, that I will forget about the eBay days.

I just need to remember to live in the now and enjoy what I have, instead of wishing for what I don’t have, and to remember that its about the Lord’s timing. I can try to convince him to change his timing, and he might say “OK, you asked for it,” but it might just bring me sorrow instead of the happiness I so desire.

There is a story that I just love that reminds me to live in the now. It is called “The Precious Present”, by Spencer Johnson, M.D. It is about a conversation between a young boy and an old man that occurs over many years. The old man tells the young boy about “The Precious Present.”

The boy hopes he gets this present for Christmas. The man tells him that it is a gift, but not one that you would get for Christmas or your birthday.

The boy wonders if it is a magic ring that would give him everything he might wish for. The man tells him that it has nothing to do with wishing.

As the boy grew older, he began to wonder, “Is the precious present a flying carpet that I could get on and go any place that I liked?” The man told him, “No. When you have the precious present, you will be perfectly content to be where you are.”

A few years pass, and the boy returns to the old man and asks if the precious present is a treasure. The man replied, “No young man, it is not.” “richness is rare indeed, but the wealth of the present comes only from oneself.”

The old man then tells him “You already know what The Precious Present is. You already know where to find it. And you already know it can make you happy. You knew it best when you were a small child. You have simply forgotten.”

The story continues on (and this is just a brief synopsis). The young man, returning to inquire of the old man, until he finally figures it out. He would always be who he was, where he was. “The present is what it is. it is valuable. Even if I do not know why. It is already just the way it is supposed to be. When I see the present, accept the present, experience the present, I am well, I am happy.”

“Pain is simply the difference between what is and what I want it to be. When I feel guilty over my imperfect past, or I am anxious about my unknown future, I do not live in the present. My past was the present. And my future will be the present. The present moment is the only reality I ever experience. As long as I continue to stay in the present, I am happy forever; because forever is always the present. The present is simply who I am just the way I am...right now. And it is precious.

I hope we can all learn to live in the present. It is hard. Life has its challenges. But if we remember to live in the present “we can be happy forever.”

(whew, how’s that for philosophical?)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer School

I am taking a digital photography class this summer for school. I decided that if I had to take a class, I wanted it to be fun! I am really enjoying the class a lot. I originally thought I would learn how to use my camera better, but we're actually learning how to use photoshop. It has been really fun to learn. I have always wanted to be a good photographer. I look at the beautiful pictures my friends take and wish so much that I were as good as them.

Here are a few examples of what I have done for class. The one thing photoshop can't help me with is creativity. Wish it could.


We had the opportunity to go to Disneyland for Father's Day Weekend. My brother had a conference to attend, so he and his wife turned it into a family vacation. We tagged along for the free hotel room and good company! It was so much fun!

This was Melissa and the boys first trip to California and Disneyland. We went to the garment district and Newport Beach on Friday, and then spent the next three days in Disneyland - and boy, did we have fun! The kids got into pin trading. Ethan was looking for Lightning McQueen, Woody, Jessie and Towmater pins. Taylor liked the Chip n' Dale, Goofy, and Pluto pins. It was fun to watch them trade with the Disney staff.

My favorite rides were "Soarin' Over California", "Pirates of the Caribbean", and "California Screamin". Taylor actually tried Indiana Jones again. The first time she went to Disneyland was for her 6th birthday. My parents took her on Indiana Jones for her first ride. She didn't care for rides anymore after that. I was surprised that she went this time. Way to go Taylor! Face your fears! Ethan's favorite ride was Space Mountain and Pirates. He loved those roller coasters. Carter loved Small World and the Tiki Room. He laughed and danced along with the birds and flowers as they sang.

Thanks guys, for sharing your vacation with us! We will remember it forever.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Glamour Girl

My baby is growing up way too fast!! The girl that has insisted on being a "tom boy" has recently decided that it's ok to be a girl. She's been wanting to wear jewelry and "outfits". She came out of my bedroom all dressed up the other day with new clothes and shoes on (she's also growing really fast) and asked me to take pictures of her. After our "photo shoot" she looked at the camera and told me she wanted to be "designer". Where has my baby gone?

What brings you hapiness?

I have been busy over the last few weekends doing a little spring cleaning. I now have a VERY clean garage and car. I was speaking with my brother and told him I could live in the garage, its so clean! (If there were AC of course). It makes me happy to have a clean house, even though it doesn't happen all that much. Life gets so busy.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

First Hair Cut

Taylor got her first real hair cut today!!! She's gone 11 years without anything but a trim. She came home from school and said she was ready to cut her hair and donate it to Locks of Love. I had a panic attack...she was calm.

We drove to Great Clips and she was still calm. I was freaking out inside; trying to decide if I should turn around and not let her do it, or to let her be a big girl and make this decision on her own.

She sat in the chair...she was calm and mom was still freaking out. We told the stylist what she wated to do...Taylor was now freaking out. She cried, but she still went through with it. They cut 11 inches off. She's still as beautiful as ever. I am SOOOO proud of her for doing it and I think it's just great that she would want to help others.

She is so happy that she could share her hair with a little girl that has cancer. As we drove to dance tonight, she said that she was happy that she could help another child be comfortable with going to school and playing with her friends; that she could now be herself and people would notice her for who she is, and not because she has cancer.

What a big girl. She's growing up before my eyes, and I'm not ready for it.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Getting to know me...

I got an email from a friend to fill out answers to these questions. I usually don't fill these out, but thought it would be fun to post some of my answers here for my friends to see.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:00 am
2. Diamonds or Pearls? Diamonds, of course!
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Bridge to Terabithia
4. What is your favorite TV show? Gilmore Girls
5. What did you have for breakfast? Honey Nut Cheerios
6. Your middle name? Lynne (same as mom and Taylor)
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mexican or Italian
8. What foods do you dislike? Maybe my veggies. I'm horrible about that. Of course Sea Food, too
9. Your favorite Potato chip? Lays with onion dip
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Anything country (Really looking forward to Tim McGraw's new CD)
11. What kind of car do you drive? Kia sportage
12. Favorite sandwich? Ham and provalone
13. What characteristics do you despise? Dishonesty and whining
14. Favorite item of clothing? Jeans
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation? Europe
16. What color is your bathroom? Milk chocolate brown
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Nordstrom
18. Where would you want to retire to? The mountains
19. Favorite time of day? Morning, I get so much done in the wee hours of the morning.
20. Where were you born? Salt Lake
21. Favorite Sports to watch? I guess Ice Skating
22. What laundry detergent do you use? All free and clear (allergies)
23. Coke or Pepsi? Neither - don't drink soda
24. Are you a morning person or night owl? Morning
25. What size shoe do you wear? 8.5 or 9, depending on the shoe
26. Favorite animal? Dogs/horses
27. Any news you'd like to share with everyone? Nothin new
28. What did you want to be when you were little? can't remember. Maybe a dancer?
29. Favorite candy bar? Whatchamacallit
30. What are your favorite childhood memories? Camping and boating with family
31. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? What haven't I done?
32. What is your favorite color? Red
33. Nicknames: "Winifer"
34. Piercings? 1 in each ear
35. Eye color? Hazel
36. Ever been to Africa? No
37. Ever been toilet papering? Yes (don't tell mom) Have you ever toilet papered the inside of a house? I have!! Hehehe.
38. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes
39. Ever been in a car accident? No
40. Favorite restaurant? Francesco's
41. Favorite ice cream? Cookies and Cream
42. Favorite flower? Cala lillies and daisies
43. Disney or Warner Brothers? Both!
44. Favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-fil-A
45. What color is your bedroom carpet? grey
46. How many times did you take your drivers test? Once
47. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Nordstrom, Williams Sonoma and Pottary Barn
48. What do you do most often when you are bored? Pester Taylor
49. Bedtime? Depends. Between 9 and 11 pm
50. Last person you went to dinner with? How about breakfast at 2am? Cody, Mike, Ashley and Megan
51. What are you listening to right now? The Today Show
52. Do you have a hobby? Waterskiing or SCUBA diving
53. Lake , Ocean or River? Lake (Lake Powell is the BEST!!!)
54. What materialistic thing would you ask for if you had one wish to make? Enough money to travel, do charity work and not HAVE to work where I don't want to or do what

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


A friend recently asked us to "babysit" their trampoline while they put grass in at their house. Taylor has had a lot of fun with it. I don't hear "I'm bored" quite so much.

It brings back memories of summer nights, sleeping out under the stars with my brothers and friends. Bart the wonder dog that loved to jump with us on our tramp. Stealing the bounce of a brother. "Crack the egg" contests.

What fun those by gone days were. How I miss being a child. How glad I am to have a child to re-live memories with.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

I have so many special Valentine's this year! Taylor, Ethan, Carter, Riley and Caleb. My brothers and their wives/girlfriend, and of course - my parents. Then there are all of my special friends that mean so much. I just want to say "Happy Valenitne's Day" and tell each of you how much I love you and appreciate all of the wonderful things you are to me. You are loved!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Couldn't ask for a better way to spend a Saturday

I had the opportunity to spend the morning in the Temple performing sealings with a single's group. Yes, I said a single's group. It was the first time I have had the chance to stand in as proxy for sealing's. What a great experience! I am so grateful I get the opportunity to spend time in the Temple and grow spiritually. Taylor is going to be advancing into Young Women's this fall and can't wait to do baptisms for the dead. Now that will be a GREAT day! To go to the temple with my daughter!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Not so sure about this...

One of my dear friends recently started a blog and suggested that all of us friends do so, too. Even though we live so close, we live such busy lives and don't get the chance to catch up as often as we'd like. This way we can share what's going on in our lives every day (or as often as we can) and our friends can keep up with the comings and here goes my first attempt at a blog, we'll see how it goes.